What is a Lesson Plan? An effective lesson plan demonstrates how a teacher creates objectives for his or her students and measures how those objectives are mastered. Creating a lesson plan begins with ...
White House Historical Association Chief Education Officer Matthew Costello talked about the Constitutional foundations of the American presidency.
While I am not suggesting a full-scale rejection of the use of screens or technology in church, relying solely on videos ...
Enjoy a five-day unit with comprehensive daily lesson plans, graphic organizers, comprehension questions and more!
With the right inspiration and a little improvisation of your own, making your own creative curriculum lesson plans can deliver far more engaging experiences for students. So, how do you find new ...
These lesson plan units were developed to work with the video-short Discovering Angel Island: The Story Behind the Poems and the Pacific Link website. There are three elementary level lesson units and ...
Our week-long unit plan includes five days of engaging lesson plans delving into this captivating, powerful mammal, sparking discussions on the lion’s imposing physical appearance, their arid ...
Use the following episodes or lesson plans from History Detectives to support/enhance the teaching of this lesson in your classroom. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.1 Cite specific textual evidence to ...
Please use the Curricula & Lesson Plans provided below, organized by tribal identity.