and a rating of AA- is worse than AA but better than A+. Moody's uses numbers to indicate relative quality, with Aa1 being the best Aa rating, followed by Aa2 and Aa3. Bonds with triple-A ratings ...
Moody's Q4 missed revenue estimates, but its strong 2025 guidance offers promise. Click here for a full analysis of MCO stock ...
Moody’s undertook the review of J.B. Hunt’s debt because the Arkansas-based company is issuing $500 million in senior ...
Standard & Poor's upgraded Saudi Arabia's credit rating to “A+” from “A”, with a “Stable” outlook. The three global rating agencies (Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch) have reiterated the ...
Here are 10 health systems that had their outlooks downgraded by Fitch Ratings or Moody's Investors Service since Jan. 15: ...
Moody’s had placed Truist’s ratings ... However, the A-/A-2 ratings of the holding company and the A+/A-1 operating company ratings have been kept unchanged. The strength of JPM’s extensive ...
Moody’s, again, is reviewing the county's credit ratings for lack of fresh information, raising the likelihood, if not soon corrected, of the county paying higher interest rates on bonded debt.