Minimize solar heat gain, reduce air conditioner use, and slash cooling bills with these heat-blocking curtains you can DIY with readily available materials.
The system can cool and heat without using volatile refrigerants or burning fossil fuels by exploiting the “elastocaloric effect” in nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) shape memory alloys. Dubbed elastocalorics, ...
During the day, natural landscapes like forests and fields absorb and release heat gradually. But in cities, all these buildings, roads, and sidewalks, all of that concrete? They act like giant heat ...
After a burst of autumn heat followed by cool temperatures with a weekend cold front, southeastern Australia will again warm ...
“Stout and other dark beers are often described as having chocolatey overtones,” King Arthur’s Susan Reid points out. “The ...
The Zacks Building Products - Air Conditioner & Heating industry faces headwinds from housing market volatility, economic ...
As more and more people demand indoor comfort, transitioning to R-32 is designed to be a low GWP refrigerant while delivering ...
Data on govt hospitals was part of a report on Heat-Health Preparedness & Response Activities, put together by NCDC's National Programme on Climate Change & Human Health.
And more power means more heat. This is the challenge for Lenovo and a handful of smaller systems solutions providers in the ...
This article explores how high temperatures affect your vehicle and provides practical tips to help protect it from the ...
As temperatures are expected reach extreme levels this March, the Department of Transportation provided helpful tips for ...
DAB Pumps has launched the EVOPLUS LITE, an advanced wet rotor electronic circulator designed to enhance efficiency, ...