Het voorbereiden van een jaargesprek of studiedagen mogen niet ten koste gaan van de uren voor professionalisering.
There are several pay scales in every education sector. A pay scale is divided into 'steps'. Normally, your salary will increase by one step each year, until you have reached the maximum of your ...
Ontdek hoe de time-outkaart leerlingen helpt bij overprikkeling en spanning. Met deze preventieve maatregel krijgen kinderen ...
The general meeting of members of the Vawo and that of the AOb speak out on the plans on 29 November. AObdirector Douwe van der Zweep is already looking forward to the AOb will soon represent the ...
For the time being, it does not look as though participation councils in primary and secondary education will have the right of consent on the financial policy of their school board. Outgoing State ...
In the search for a way to stop externalizing behavior of some pupils, Pieter Wijten primary school in Waalwijk created an escape route about four years ago to prevent worse: the children were given a ...
The Utrecht school boards, teacher training colleges and the municipality are asking more than 15 million euros from the government to tackle the teacher shortages in primary education. The money must ...
Ruth Beckermann volgde voor haar documentaire Favoriten drie jaar lang een juf op een school in één van de meest cultureel ...
With the loving film Favorites Austrian documentary maker Ruth Beckermann wants to show how important education is, and the people who work in it. “A teacher can make or break a class.” In a gymnasium ...
Met een Lerarenbeurs kunnen leraren een opleiding volgen en een vergoeding krijgen voor studiemiddelen, collegegeld en reiskosten. Schoolbesturen ontvangen geld om leraren uit te roosteren en ...