The school, the Kennemer College Beroepsgericht, published yesterday afternoon after a conversation with Keeman a joint message on the website. The purpose of Keeman's exemption was to give him a rest ...
With the loving film Favorites Austrian documentary maker Ruth Beckermann wants to show how important education is, and the people who work in it. “A teacher can make or break a class.” In a gymnasium ...
Teachers can apply for the Teacher Grant not only from 1 April, but already from 1 February 18.00:15. You can apply for a grant until XNUMX March. The Ministry of Education is bringing forward the ...
There are several pay scales in every education sector. A pay scale is divided into 'steps'. Normally, your salary will increase by one step each year, until you have reached the maximum of your ...
The general meeting of members of the Vawo and that of the AOb speak out on the plans on 29 November. AObdirector Douwe van der Zweep is already looking forward to the AOb will soon represent the ...
For the time being, it does not look as though participation councils in primary and secondary education will have the right of consent on the financial policy of their school board. Outgoing State ...
The Utrecht school boards, teacher training colleges and the municipality are asking more than 15 million euros from the government to tackle the teacher shortages in primary education. The money must ...
The scientific quality of Dutch research is good and Dutch researchers often collaborate internationally. At the same time, there is also another side, the Rathenau Institute points out today in the ...
In the search for a way to stop externalizing behavior of some pupils, Pieter Wijten primary school in Waalwijk created an escape route about four years ago to prevent worse: the children were given a ...
De AOb is investigating together with Education International (the federation of teacher unions worldwide) and other unions and teacher organizations whether there is a need for a worldwide network of ...
Armand Kertzman, photographer and teacher, documents life at primary school De Wingerd in Roosendaal in Corona time. Until December 16, 2020, school offered students an escape, he says. In addition to ...