This article was first published on the Institute of Economic Affairs Substack. Official figures recently published by HMRC indicate a huge rise in illicit tobacco sales in the UK since 2021. The ...
Reem Ibrahim, Communications Manager at the free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, was quoted in The Times on the Government’s commitment to mandatory pay gap reporting measures.
“Imagine this scenario: you host a dinner party in your home aglow with candlelight and conversation. On a polished oak shelf sits a delicate Cisk lager-branded ash tray, collected from a recent trip ...
“If the Government are serious about achieving economic growth and supporting businesses, they should scrap their misguided commitment to mandatory pay gap reporting. It will add yet more burdens on ...
This publication comprises a reappraisal of the work of John Maynard Keynes. It strengthens the view that the Keynesians went too far in supposing that the old economics had been overthrown by the new ...
This publication comprises a reappraisal of the work of John Maynard Keynes. It strengthens the view that the Keynesians went too far in supposing that the old economics had been overthrown by the new ...