The maximum total planned turnover of artificial fertilizers in the terminal is 2.0 million tons. Lime-ammonium nitrate, diammonium phosphate, ammonium nitrate, stabilized ammonium nitrate, and ...
The key objective of the central bank's monetary policy is to facilitate the favourable macroeconomic environment for growth of the national economy in the long term. The course of global economic ...
Alvis Haze, board member of conflict-struck Ventspils transit company Ventbunkers and close associate of Swiss lawyer Rudolf Meroni, was arrested yesterday evening, the business portal was ...
Latvia's award-winning bodybuilder Aivars Visockis won the prestigious Mr. Universe title in the "Masters 50+" category of a bodybuilding contest, which annually gathers the best athletes from all ...
Nord Stream started today the first of two all-important underwater tie-ins of its second gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea. In this complex two-week-long offshore operation, two of the pipeline's ...
Although Germany is currently the sixth largest investor in Latvia in terms of foreign direct investment, Latvia wishes to develop closer cooperation with Germany by increasing exports and attracting ...
Zbignevs Stankevics was ordained as the new metropolitan archbishop of the Archdiosese of Riga on August 8 in a ceremony at Riga Dome Cathedral which was attended by several bishops of the Roman ...
Рынок серийных квартир в этом году был достаточно активным. С начала 2017 года цены на серийные квартиры в целом выросли на 8,1%. Декабрь, скорее ...
Клайпеда должна стать образовательным центром для выходцев из стран постсоветского пространства, открывающих для себя новые горизонты и ...
С руководителем представительства Газпрома в Балтийских странах Евгением Ролдугиным БК ...
На первом этапе в модернизацию находящегося под управлением Latvijas Gaze уникального и крупнейшего в регионе Инчукалнского подземного ...
Компания «ITERA Latvija» первое частное предприятие национальной экономики, связанное с природным газом — одним из важнейших для страны ...