Irving City Council removed casino gaming from Las Vegas Sands' rezoning plan after community opposition, raising questions ...
After a heated public meeting, the casino giant drops gambling from its proposed resort near the former Texas Stadium site ...
As the Irving City Council was set to talk about a contentious issue Thursday night – whether or not to allow the ...
As the Irving City Council was set to talk about a contentious issue Thursday night – whether or not to allow the ...
Por TIM REYNOLDSUn grupo liderado por el socio gerente de Symphony Technology Group, William Chisholm, acordó comprar a los ...
Por TIM REYNOLDSWilliam Chisholm, un magnate de capital privado, acordó el jueves comprar a los Celtics de Boston en una ...
The original plan included a "destination resort" featuring casino gaming, contingent upon the legalization of gambling in ...
The corporation dropped the casino portion of its Irving rezoning request after a lengthy meeting earlier in the week, during ...
Las Vegas Sands Corp. closed 24.25% below its 52-week high of $56.61, which the company achieved on December 9th.
The request to drop the casino part of Sands Corp's plan came hours before the full city council was set to consider a zoning change to move the development forward.
Las Vegas Sands Corp. bought land in an area that includes the spot that once held Texas Stadium. Residents are concerned ...