Kyrsten Sinema returned to where her political career began: the Arizona House. She touted the benefits of ibogaine to treat ...
Former US Senator Kyrsten Sinema was at the Arizona State Capitol advocating for Ibogaine research, a naturally occurring ...
Former US Senator Kyrsten Sinema supports a bill to provide $5 million in funds to research a drug called Ibogaine.
As senator, Lankford was the lead Republican negotiator on the Border Act of 2024, more commonly known as the bipartisan border bill. Lankford collaborated with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., and Sen.
Former U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema advocated for $5 million in funding for clinical trials on ibogaine, a potential treatment for traumatic brain injuries, at the Arizona Capitol. Ibogaine ...
Former Sen. Kyrsten Sinema's campaign outspent most others on Capitol Hill for security despite not running for a second term.
The Psychedelic Science conference, coming to Denver this summer, plans to bring U.S. legislators, scientists, authors, ...
Kyrsten Sinema appears before lawmakers from the Arizona House of Representatives stumping for appropriations for traumatic brain injuries.
Kyrsten Sinema’s security-related expenses in her final two years in the U.S. Senate topped all her former colleagues and rivaled spending in that category by presidential candidates.