A bid by French munitions maker Europlasma for a former Renault foundry is being closely watched by struggling auto suppliers ...
When do state investments in arms factories, or the wages of tank crews and pilots not count as defence spending? Answer: ...
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Thursday in Brussels that the European Union should focus on ...
"I think this is only the start," Lithuanian President Gitanas NausÄ—da told CNBC's Silvia Amaro on the EU's plans to boost ...
The European Union plans to dramatically ramp up defence spending, mobilizing €800 billion ($868 billion) over the next four ...
The plan for now excludes the U.K., Turkey and the U.S., though officials in Brussels are planning fresh overtures at Britain ...
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is now against exemptions for defense spending in debt regulation that her government has ...
The European Union plans to dramatically ramp up defence spending, mobilizing €800 billion ($868 billion) over the next four ...
TORONTO (AP) — Canada is in discussions with the European Union to join an EU drive to break its security dependency on the ...
At a summit of NATO leaders in June its 32 members will have to agree to spend well over 3% of GDP on defence (the latest betting is on 3.7%). No amount of accounting fudges will bridge such a gap.
Paris and London can provide the assurances that stop a continental race for nuclear weapons, but it won't be easy.
Europe Shifts Defense Into High Gear is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive critical analysis into emerging trends ...