A Castro district Walgreens employee and an alleged thief were both arrested March 19 after an altercation early that morning ...
Police in San Francisco arrested an employee at a Walgreens in the city's Castro District early Wednesday after he allegedly ...
San Francisco prosecutors filed charges Thursday against a man accused of stalking and routinely masturbating in front of two middle school girls outside a boba tea shop in the Castro district.
We're learning new details about a brutal attack that happened in San Francisco's Castro District Sunday night. It left a man with fractures to his skull and now, police need your help finding the ...
A man accused of routinely masturbating in the nude in front of children in the city’s Castro District was arrested on suspicion of indecent exposure, child molesting and stalking, San Francisco ...
A proposal to study traffic patterns in San Francisco's Castro district may have wide-reaching impacts for vehicles using Market Street trying to access Duboce Triangle and westside neighborhoods in ...