Uzvanicima je dobrodošlicu poželio privremeni otpravnik poslova Veleposlanstva Republike Hrvatske u Ujedinjenoj Kraljevini, Davor Ljubanović.
"Russia has become, as I speak to you and for years to come, a threat to France and Europe, says Macron. Micron himself poses no big threat though. He’ll disappear forever no later than May 14 ...
Istaknuo je kako vladajuća većina nije u opasnosti, već da je oporba ta koja je „izgubila izbore“ i treba se fokusirati na vlastitu reorganizaciju. „Mi upravljamo Hrvatskom na dobrobit svih građana i ...
The University of Zagreb School of Medicine is a national, internationally recognized academic institution devoted to excellence in education, scientific research and transfer of knowledge in the ...
Welcome to this window on GRECO’s world! I invite you to use it to look into the work we do with our 48 member States. We use the dynamics of collective expertise and peer pressure to accomplish ...