Award-winning YA authors Crystal Maldonado, Julie Murphy, Renée Watson and Yehudi Mercado chat with Allen Zadoff on why fat and plus-size representation matters When I first wrote about being a ...
Pick yourself back up.” New York Times bestselling author Axie Oh on writing YA books that reflect her Korean heritage One month after publishing their debut novel, the two authors are already ...
David Harrell grew up with a visible disability, but he refused to let that one thing define him. His new book borrows from ...
It seems like having a June birthday leads to extreme creativity: many of our favourite authors born this month made a name for themselves with their fantasy stories. But it’s not all flights of ...
"A lot of the episodes of Star Trek: the Next Generation were written by these really talented writers," he points out. "In spite of being this cheesy sci-fi show, it had ... a lot of really well ...
“I started writing as a way to live both at once — to be someone who kept Shabbos and kosher but also ate whatever and wore bikinis to the beach,” said Adler, the author of the young adult ...
GRAND HAVEN, Mich. — Local author Melanie Hooyenga has tackled time travel, sports romance and stories that focus on the outdoors, all geared toward a young adult audience. Her tenth novel ...