If you're pressed for space, a micro orchard will allow you to grow many fruits in place of one or two trees, and you'll be ...
If you’re thinking of planting for pollinators this spring, I will be teaching a one-hour class at the Columbus Public ...
Add an eastern redbud tree to your yard for a stunning springtime show! Here's how to care for this small ornamental native ...
Several years ago, I polled a statewide audience asking for their favorite fragrances in flowers. Giving a little leeway to the fact that some of the readers were from South Texas, the results were ...
A garden is not just about sight: there is great pleasure to be found in planting beautiful fragrant-rich flowers like lavender, roses, and climbing jasmine.
From the colorful mosaics to the palm-lined courtyards and ornate buildings, Seville is one of the most beautiful cities in ...
A forest with high tree-species diversity is better at buffering heat peaks in summer and cold peaks in winter than a forest ...
According to the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, it’s probable that this new hydrothermal feature is connected to activity ...
Y ou’d have thought scientists would know about all of the extremely large tree species out there by now given that they’re, ...