Students studying math can focus on statistics. Statistics is one of the fastest-growing fields in the country and is ranked No. 4 for Best Business Jobs, No. 9 in Best STEM Jobs, and No. 12 in 100 ...
Mathematics is a demanding intellectual pursuit, but one that can be interesting, exciting and challenging. People like its clarity and the satisfaction of knowing when you have the right answer to a ...
It sometimes seems like there is a pre-medical student everywhere you turn at UAB. Pre-meds are one of the most motivated (and sleep-deprived) groups of students on campus. The pre-med curriculum ...
In order to be considered for an undergraduate degree at the School of Economics and Finance, you will need a Maths qualification. Here we explain why Mathematics is crucial to finance and how the ...
Growth and change in technology have brought a boom in the availability of data and the need for people to shape technologies. Growing areas like machine learning require expertise in programming, ...