It’s not what we normally think of when we hear “AI,” but it’s just as revolutionary, especially for rural producers. When ...
Three Florida Tech students are making a mechanical 'spy' manatee to covertly learn sea cows' deepest secrets.
"They're super chatty." The students will use machine learning to teach Mechanatee the basics of sea-cow lingo. Then one day, an AI-driven robo-manatee might just learn how to chat up real sea cows.
Welcome to the Karnataka Today newsletter, your guide from The Hindu on the major news stories to follow today. Curated and ...
If we are willing to accept the need for IP protection, like most other farmers around the world, then we have a chance to ...
Become pregnant early in the calving season and calve by 2 years of age. “Heifers that get bred in the first 21 days have an ...
Having spent most of his time travelling the world shearing sheep, UK-born Will Hinton now milks cows on a share farming ...
The NFU is urging all keepers of domesticated poultry, cattle, sheep and goats to maintain high standards of biosecurity, as ...
IT was a record-breaking day for Cecil and Scott McIlwaine, Corrick, Newtonstewart, Co. Tyrone who sold Corrick Presley for 7 ...
As the 2025 dairy breeding season approaches, the Irish Cattle and Breeding Federation (ICBF) and Teagasc urge farmers to ...