In July 1943, Lieutenant Dan Daspit and his crew aboard USS Tinosa had their target in sight—the Japanese tanker Tonan Maru ...
The WWII torpedo takes advantage of the gyroscope's resistance to a change in motion. It uses this property to allow a course to be "programmed" into the torpedo. The axis of this torpedo's ...
O n October 24, 1944, during World War II, the USS Tang sank off the coast of China. The submarine was destroyed by its own ...
During World War II, British warships were struck by a secret weapon invented by the Italian Navy - the 'human torpedo'. Hear the full story, from disastrous missions ...
Navy pilot John Leppla was credited with shooting down five Japanese aircraft in aerial combat before he was shot down and ...
The Tucker Torpedo is one of the great what-if stories of automotive history. Preston Tucker hoped to revolutionize the industry with a car unlike any other on the road at the time. However ...
The Capital Wing of the Commemorative Air Force will offer warbird rides in a World War II TBM Avenger torpedo bomber at Raleigh Executive Jetport on Wednesday, April 16. The TBM Avenger is the ...