Von Trier, the historic German bar and restaurant on Milwaukee's east side, is getting a new owner who hopes to restore the ...
John Dye, who owns local cocktail lounge landmarks like At Random, Bryant's and The Jazz Estate, is adding Von Trier, 2235 N.
As the controversial director behind ‘Antichrist’ is admitted to a care centre for Parkinson’s weeks after the death of David ...
Nicole Kidman hasn't had many career regrets, but one movie will live long in her mind as a misstep in her glittering ...
Fans will no doubt take a crumb of comfort from Vesth’s assertion that Von Trier is doing well “under the circumstances”. But one might argue that this is what he’s always done ...
One dreads to imagine how Lars von Trier will be described when his number is up. The Just William of filmmaking? Arthouse’s Horrid Henry? For the time being, thank goodness, the man is still ...
I’m not sure which is more alarming. Fans will no doubt take a crumb of comfort from Vesth’s assertion that Von Trier is doing well “under the circumstances”. But one might argue that this ...
Roger Ebert was impressed with Lars von Trier's moving 2000 film 'Dancer in the Dark', starring Icelandic singer Björk in the lead role.
Director Mike Flanagan's 2024 TIFF People's Choice Award winner is based on the short story of the same name by Stephen King.
The latest documentary from Rodney Ascher ('Room 237,' 'A Glitch in the Matrix') revisits the harrowing life of locked-in ...
Dag Johan Haugerud’s Berlinale Golden Bear winner “Dreams (Sex Love)” was one of the 17 films which had their French premiere ...
Here is a list of every Oscar nominated actor to have been involved in an unsimulated sex scene. Rylance appeared in a 2001 ...