A view is how you see the world – your opinions and beliefs. Learn which verbs you’re likely to hear with the word 'view'. Find a free transcript for this episode and more programmes to help you with ...
If something 'lacks' structure, you can 'devise', 'create' or 'impose' one. These verbs are commonly used with the noun 'structure'. Learn common collocations with 'structure' with Phil in this video.
If something 'lacks' structure, you can 'devise', 'create' or 'impose' one. These verbs are commonly used with the noun 'structure'. Learn common collocations with 'structure' with Phil in this video.
Learning a language is hard. Whether it’s pronunciation, accents, verb conjugation or definitions, it’s hard to wrap your ...
I've discovered something fascinating about how Spanish speakers in Philadelphia address each other and communicate through ...
In “Changing My Mind,” the novelist Julian Barnes presents an argument for the joys of flexibility.
Wordle players are given six attempts to guess the daily five-letter word. Gray tiles behind each letter indicate that they are not in the word whatsoever; yellow means the letter is in the word but ...
Newsweek 's clues for today's Wordle are: Hint #1: It starts with the letter "S." Hint #2: It can be a noun or a verb. Hint #3: There are no repeated letters. Hint #4: "Glow" and "activate" are ...
It is one of academia’s horrible ironies that linguistics, the subject devoted to human communication, has managed to ...
Peggy Mohan, a professor of linguistics and the author of several books, spoke with Outlook's Avantika Mehta about the ...
Vincenzo Latronico’s slender volume captures a culture of exquisite taste, tender sensitivities, and gnawing discontent.