Then he put his money where their slavering mouths were, making a rice, quinoa, mushroom, and vegetable-packed patty on a vegan bun ... Peppers, corn, and plenty of other vegetables take on ...
Elote, a classic Mexican street food, is grilled corn, smothered in mayo, cheese, lime and chilli. Gaz Oakley's gives it a vegan makeover with plant-based mayo, cheese and chipotle. Each serving ...
In a skillet, heat oil over medium heat until sizzling-hot. Drop 2 tablespoons batter into oil to form a patty. Repeat, leaving about 1 inch between individual patties. Fry, flipping every couple ...
Vegan food can be deliciously tasty ... The choice is hard. A chickpea and corn patty, or a burger made of aubergine or mushroom and borlotti beans? You can add extra avocado to all of them ...