The Cleveland Clinic warns that hot tubs, even those that are treated, can be hot spots for bacteria and parasites.) People claiming to be former employees also jumped into the fray. Justine Smith, ...
Placing an extra bowl or two around the house may help. Feeding canned food can help increase fluid intake. You can also offer tuna juice ice cubes or add water to their dry food, suggests Dr. Amber ...
“Wash duvets every six months, or more frequently if you have allergies or pets,” says Louisa. “Most synthetic and some down or feather duvets can be machine-washed at home or at a launderette. If you ...
The feedback has come from farmers, veterinary paraprofessionals, technically called paravets, and fellow doctors. Farmers ...
The resident of Ipuli, Tabora municipality, says that malaria remains a significant problem in her area due to insufficient ...
Cats are fascinating and mysterious creatures, often captivating us with their playful antics and independent nature. As cat ...
World Water Day, celebrated on March 22, reinforces that potable water is an indispensable resource for all living beings, ...
Serious complications can arise with some parasite infections, or the symptoms can occur due ... For example, chronic schistosomiasis and heavy hookworm infections may lead to blood in the urine or ...
Parasites also can cause an STI ... These types include: Some people mistake symptoms of an STD for another condition, such as urinary tract or yeast infection. If you suspect an STI, it's important ...
Dr Rehana Kausar Recently, there has been an enormous increase in the use of cats as pets across Kashmir. While your feline ...
Urine tests can be used to detect and monitor glucose levels and ketone levels in people with diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disease that’s characterized by high blood sugar levels. This can ...
Parasitic infection describes the infection of a host with a particular parasite. Parasites are microorganisms that rely on other host organisms for their own survival. Many parasites do not cause ...