Patients with osteoarthritis, but not immune-related arthritis, demonstrate increased odds for developing overactive bladder ...
If you have been experiencing urinary problems and have a history of holding in urine for long it could be a sign of an ...
Hence why you’ll see varying recommendations from medical orgs. For example, the Mayo Clinic still recommends drinking ...
Researchers have studied a new method to deliver antibiotics, specifically gentamicin, directly into the bladder tissue to better treat UTIs. They did this by creating nanogels combined with a special ...
Khawatir melihat si kecil yang mengalami anyang-anyangan? Inilah beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasinya.
Urethral syndrome causes spasms in the urethra, pain during urination, and the frequent urge to pee. Learn why treatment may ...
A weak pelvic floor is a common condition; some risk factors are age, pregnancy, chronic constipation and coughing. Working ...
Findings in patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome can help with diagnosis of interstitial cystitis subtypes ...
Researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus studied a new method to deliver antibiotics, specifically gentamicin, directly into the bladder tissue to better treat UTIs. They ...
Applying low-frequency bladder vibration to patients with spinal cord injury who developed UTIs associated with reduction in leukocytes.
Auto-Brewery Syndrome (ABS) is a rare condition where gut microbes ferment carbohydrates into alcohol, causing intoxication ...