We should all be welcoming insects into our garden, pollinating our plants, keeping the food chain going and boosting ...
The Tropidacris grasshopper uses color to protect itself: Nymphs use black and yellow to ward off predators, while grown ...
This story appears in the March 2019 issue of National Geographic magazine. If there were a competition for the world’s weirdest insect, treehoppers would have a clear shot at first place.
Some creatures are harmless, yet they often spark revulsion just because of their appearance. One of these is an easy-going insect that feeds primarily on dead vegetative matter: Jerusalem crickets.
Late last week, laboratory staff found an unusual insect on some new equipment that had been delivered to the lab building. They contacted the MDA’s Plant Protection Division, where staff ...
Ice crawlers, from the family grylloblatidae, are a “highly unusual group of insects,” a team of scientists concluded in an international study published in the Journal of Insect Biodiversity ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Torreya Vol. 26, No. 1, January-February, 1926 AN UNUSUAL INSECT GALL ON SCARLET OAK (Q ...
Insects aren't just an unusual accompaniment to wine. Eating them could help sustain Earth's booming population, as Museum scientist Dr Duncan Sivell reveals. Superhero movies may be popular right now ...