For.); Hunter Hinkle (New Lexington) 42-10 over Ayden Johns (Bloom-Carroll) 39-10 (MD 10-1); Luke Stanley (Marlington) 47-9 ...
Tom McGurk is a regional sports editor for the Courier-Post, The Daily Journal and Burlington County Times, covering South Jersey sports for over 35 years. If you have a sports story that needs to be ...
MD Tyler Ulrich (Warrior Run), 10-2; Aiden Bliss (Port Allegany) TF Tanner Rock (Littlestown), 19-3 2:06; Caleb Close (Bald ...
Lane Wright (Newport) MD Bryce Hefenfinger (Susquenita), 15-5; Camden Baum (Bishop McDevitt) F Josiah Hippensteel (Big Spring ...
Lane Wright (Newport) MD Bryce Hefenfinger (Susquenita), 15-5; Camden Baum (Bishop McDevitt) F Josiah Hippensteel (Big Spring), 0:45 145 pounds: Easton Comp (Bishop McDevitt) DEC Hayden Yacoviello ...
Can't make it to Williamstown High School for the Region 8 wrestling tournament? The Mat Pack has you covered. We will be posting results as they happen throughout the weekend. Need a break?
The three Washington County deputies who dodged gunfire in June 2022 said Monday they were disappointed in the plea deal for Gerald W. Koogle Jr.