A 6-year-old girl and a 40-year-old woman were killed in a fire that started early Friday in the basement of a Fairhill rowhouse, authorities said.
Although the Honda text on the logo is a custom font, 1000logos.net cites that it does share similarities to two fonts: Clarendon Bold and the Colt Family. To this today, the Honda brand name logo ...
A new niche EV brand, Longbow, has emerged into the public eye, hailing itself as ” the first-ever British electric ...
The severe weather and winds caused officials to urge caution about Mardi Gras floats during Fat Tuesday celebrations in New ...
The smallest size for the anchor icon is .25” high. This is the primary logo for Hope College. It consists of two parts: the name of the college, or logotype, and the anchor icon. Through consistent ...
February 1991: brand specialists Lambie Nairn produced their first set of BBC Two logos, part of a new look for the channel. Initially all the logos appeared in the colour viridian. However ...
Breeze chuckled to himself Thursday when contacted by telephone and asked to look at an online version of Kansas University’s new logo. In his view, the two schools’ logos are just a little to ...
The website also unveiled the brand’s logo, which featured two birds and a palm tree. However, following the launch, civic bosses in Porreres, Majorca, are allegedly considering whether or not ...
Kristin Jenn was a seasonal park ranger for Denali National Park for two seasons before accepting a permanent position at another park. Shortly after, she was given a letter saying management ...
There's a strange detail in the Ford logo that people are only just noticing. If you've ever seen a Ford car, you'll know that the logo is relatively simple. It's a dark blue oval shape with the ...