With the girl beside him, he has all that he requires. So long as they are alone together, and she is in his custody, so to ...
The subject of AAM’s concert at West Road was José Maurici Nunes Garcia, who was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1767.
There are far too many things about the knowledge of God that are simply beyond man’s pay grade, as David admits.
St. Ambrose of Milan, "Commentary on Twelve Psalms of David" c. 389 A.D. "(Pope) Stephen . . . was the blessed Peter's twenty-second successor in the See of Rome." St. Jerome, "Against the ...
For example, most people believe that the speed of light is approximately 186,000 miles per second. They usually ... by pouring out on the earth the twenty-one letters of the alphabets in ...
“The ferocious parts of the Psalms,” Lewis writes, “serve as a reminder that there is in the world such a thing as wickedness ...
In these first two weeks of Lent, we've begun a new stage of our Holy Year pilgrimage. We've seen human frailty and the glory ...
OK, people, I know this has been a painful time, politically speaking. Sulking is fine, but let’s make sure we’re sulking with sophistication. Perk up — for a minute — and see how you do ...
The service always includes one or more psalms. These ancient prayers, taken from the Old Testament, reflect the full range of human emotions and experiences; from the depths of anger, resentment, and ...
As political scientist Alan P. Grimes explained, proponents hoped “the twenty-second amendment would strengthen and safeguard democracy from what they believed to be its greatest danger ...