Firefighters responded to a significant building fire in Tulsa, near East Pine Street and North Sheridan Road.
TULSA, Okla. — Firefighters responded to a building fire in north Tulsa on Friday morning. Just after 5 a.m., Tulsa Fire ...
This weekly update lists new commercial construction, expansions and enlargements of more than $80,000 in Tulsa.
The Tulsa Fire Department responded to a building fire near E. Redding Street and E. Tecumseh Street Tuesday afternooon.
This weekly update lists new commercial construction, expansions and enlargements of more than $80,000 in Tulsa. Descriptions of work are described where listed.
TULSA, Okla. — Firefighters are on the scene of a building fire in north Tulsa. Tulsa Fire Department (TFD) said crews are ...
It was a close call for firefighters when they escaped a burning building seconds before it collapsed. The fire started near Pine and Sheridan in northeast Tulsa late Tuesday morning.