Related to Fig. 2. Experimental data description. A. Spatial distribution of segmented ROIs (shown in different colors). There are 1347 to 3086 ROIs in each animal. Scale bar, 100 µm. B. Explained ...
Some standard modules for making 3d shapes with attachment support, and function forms that produce a VNF. Also included are shortcuts cylinders in each orientation and extended versions of the ...
It is generally best if the triangles forming your polyhedron are approximately equilateral. The slices parameter specifies the number of slices to insert between each pair of profiles, either a ...
How to prepare and submit a manuscript to Scientific Data. Please see our Aims and scope for advice on what to consider before doing this.
It was fun showing people the great images created by Refurio Anachro, Greg Egan, Roice Nelson, Gerard Westendorp and many other folks. For more info on the images I talked about, read on….