Multiple people are killed each year due to falling trees during storms or other weather, but there is no good record of the ...
As the fires that ravaged Los Angeles in January ebbed, many trees were left standing next to burnt down homes. Here’s why.
A: I admit it can be confusing, but there is a significant difference between topping a tree and pruning to control size.
Lightning can injure a tree in many ways but it doesn't have to mean the end. Here's what you should look for and some tips to save your tree.
Three highly attractive palms are generally considered fire-safe as long as their dry fronds are removed in a timely manner.
showing evidence of careful pruning and leaving no damage to the tree trunk. Supposedly under the close supervision of the president, in the name of "efficiency," the world's richest man is ...
There were “obvious” drill holes visible in the trees’ trunks, Barclay said ... were not on council property and were not protected under the Unitary Plan. “The council planning help ...
As the positive charges build under the cloud ... systems use large copper cables that are installed high in the tree, down the trunk and into a trench in the ground that leads away from the ...
In the presentation, titled ‘Aniconic to the Iconic’, Jawhar Sircar explained how the evolution of a deity in Hinduism also alters the ways in which it is worshipped.
A Florence mother says that for several years Duke Energy told her that they were going to remove a dead tree in her backyard ... her financial responsibility under Duke Energy's policy if it ...
A majority of the trees are at least a few centuries old and have massive trunks and sprawling canopies ... Interestingly, the chinar is protected under the Jammu and Kashmir Preservation of ...
It wasn’t until he studied them under a microscope that he realized ... most native bees live solitary lives and nest underground or in tree trunks, logs, plants, rocks or other structures.