The pit bull, named Oreo, got its paw stuck in the trigger guard, firing the weapon and leaving the owner with a minor leg injury.
The gun fired after the dog's paw got stuck in the trigger guard, police said. The victim was relaxing on his bed with a ...
Pixabay An American dog owner was shot by his pet after it jumped on his bed and set off a loaded gun ... The dog -- a year-old pit bull named Oreo -- "got his paw stuck in the trigger guard ...
WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) — An American dog owner was shot by his pet after it jumped on his bed and set off a loaded ... bull named Oreo — “got his paw stuck in the trigger guard ...
Washington (AFP) – An American dog owner was shot by his pet after it jumped on his bed and set off a loaded ... old pit bull named Oreo -- "got his paw stuck in the trigger guard and ended ...
A dog managed to fire a gun and wound his owner in an accidental shooting in Memphis on Monday, police said. The 39-year-old victim was relaxing and talking with a female friend on his bed when ...
An American dog owner was shot by his pet after it jumped on his bed and set off a loaded gun ... The dog - a year-old pit bull named Oreo - "got his paw stuck in the trigger guard and ended up ...