but detours into musings about theodicy and quantum mechanics, and never satisfactorily circles back to the original issue. Paul-Choudhury’s advice for imagining a better world is more ...
This makes his endless forays into novel writing, theodicy, the history of lycanthropy, the efficacy of the waters at Lourdes, and goodness knows what else seem all the more remarkable.
God seems to be having a moment, culturally speaking,” observes John Stonestreet of the Colson Center, whose founder, the ...
A helpful new volume on what we are up against: Andrew Torba is a Christian businessman, and founder and CEO of Gab.com. Some of you are aware of his 2022 volume, Christian Nationalism: A Biblical ...
Tremendous faith amidst tremendous suffering: While Western elites, politicians and media outlets all hyperventilate about the supposed problem of “Islamophobia” in the West, the real… ...