El viernes día 14 Teresa Ponce de León ofrecerá la charla 'Mitos y leyendas sobre la alimentación', a las 17.00, en el centro ...
Un total de 127 participaron en la cita en la que el segundo premio fue para El Taller de las Muñecas y el tercero para La ...
All Stars host Maya Jama has impressed Love Island fans with her choice of outfit for this week's final. Since the launch just last month, Maya - who took over as the host of Love Island back in ...
Maya Hawke claimed that the size of actors' social media following is becoming a big factor in some producers' casting decisions and whether a movie is able to be made. During a recent appearance ...
“With sadness we announce the passing of Maya Woolfe who played Uli in Auf Wiedersehen Pet Series 1, Episode 11, ‘The Lovers’,” a statement on Instagram read. “Maya’s many TV ...
Maya Woolfe has died aged 72, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet’s official social media page has announced (Picture: Youtube) BBC Doctor Who and Auf Wiedersehen, Pet actress Maya Woolfe has died at the age ...
A Late Classic (A.D. 600–900) Maya vase from the Peten region of Guatemala portrays a king and queen (above, center) preparing to perform a ceremonial dance. Both royal figures wear feather ...
Los indígenas xocén reactivan su economía a través del turismo comunitario y la salvaguarda de los cultos a sus difuntos ...
Bastaba con una guitarra o un tambor para empezar a cantar. Hasta las tapas de las ollas se usaban como instrumentos En aquellos tiempos, las coplas eran interpretadas en contrapunto, una modalidad en ...