But as the main chimney of Cottam Power Station was brought down in a controlled explosion on Thursday, residents living nearby admitted they will miss the landmark. "It's a part of us, and it's a ...
Households in all four nations of the UK are being urged to move their beds this weekend if they have tall chimneys on the roof. A yellow weather warning for strong winds has been issued in ...
A newly published Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) concludes that emissions from the proposed hazardous waste incinerator in Magħtab will have a negligible impact on air quality. The study found ...
It advised that before a storm hits, you should take care to move your bed if you have a tall chimney stack that's in a bad condition directly above. It said: "If chimney stacks are tall and in ...
Architect Nick Hayhurst’s North Sea East Wood transforms a 1980s bungalow in Cromer by opening up the floorplan and adding an extension with a ‘hobbit-like elevation’ ...
The tall, outsized beast stands tall, angling forward on a charred corner. Amid burned out cars and blackened chimney stacks, the statue has a message: Love for Altadena, just like the symbol embl ...
Sometimes words fall hopelessly short. This might explain the silences between the two botanists as their vehicle crunches ...
Here are the latest planning applications submitted to Huntingdonshire District Council, featuring a variety of tree works and ...
Plant life used to be so abundant here, mostly shin-height dwarf succulents ... From high altitude, these look like smoke rising from a chimney stack, although the plumes lie on the ground ...
The riverboat captain is a storyteller. Captain Don Sanders shares the stories of his long association with the river — from ...
At the corner, Greenh@use’s structural exoskeleton deepens and rotates, forming a westward-oriented brise soleil that is counterbalanced by a solid (but ribbed) stairwell core and a seven-story-tall ...