This wildly popular anime film follows high school students Mitsuha and Taki, who mysteriously switch bodies due to a supernatural connection, and must try to live each other's lives until they ...
The film follows high school teenagers Mitsuha and Taki who mysteriously begin swapping bodies on random days. At first confused by spontaneously living the other's life in different cities ...
Several different anime series and movies feature mind bending plot twists, but only some have changed their stories to their ...
Anime films deliver self-contained, gripping stories across genres—dive into Crunchyroll’s top picks for a week of epic ...
The legendary staircase in Yotsuya, Tokyo, is where Taki and Mitsuha finally cross paths. This spot offers a stunning view blending tradition and modernity, making it a favourite pilgrimage site for ...
Discover how Weathering With You changes forever once you realize Makoto Shinkai included Your Name characters in crucial cameos.
Step into a slice of anime history at Washinomiya Shrine in Saitama, a spot that shot to fame thanks to its feature in Lucky ...