If Taxes are laid upon us in any shape without our having legal Representation, are we not reduced from the Character of free ...
In an effort to raise funds to pay off debts and defend the vast new American territories won from the French in the Seven ...
History can be a fascinating subject. A little knowledge of history stretched too far can make a guy think he knows something he doesn’t. Case in point: I heard mention about the first U.S ...
On March 22, 1945, representatives from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen met in Cairo to ...
The phrase was reportedly first used 250 years ago Sunday by lawyer and legislator Patrick Henry to persuade Virginia ...
On March 22, 1963, The Beatles’ debut album, “Please Please Me,” was released in the United Kingdom on the Parlophone record label. In 1765, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to raise money ...
In their village north of Boston, they opposed the Stamp Act in 1765, and when war erupted in April 1775, their town immediately sent local minutemen into battle and pledged their lives and money ...
In 1765, Henry won a seat in Virginia’s colonial legislature. He was instrumental in opposing Great Britain’s Stamp Act, which levied a direct tax on the American colonies to raise money for ...