To a nonmathematician, having the letter "i" represent a number that does not quite exist and is "imaginary" can be hard to ...
[MindYourDecisions] presents a Babylonian tablet dating back to around 1800 BC that shows that the hypotenuse of a unit square is the square root of two or 1.41421. How did they know that?
SMU’s Enactus team (national champs last year) is the umbrella for “a community of student, academic and business leaders ...
Time and space are frequent topics of discussion for cosmologists, especially those studying exotic celestial bodies like ...
Making life simpler, [] settled on a gamma of two, which means taking a bunch of square roots, which isn’t fast on an FPGA. [nats]’s algorithm is pretty neat: it uses a first-stage ...
\({9}\) is a square number. \(3 \times 3 = 9\) \(3 \times 3\) can also be written as \(3^2\). This is pronounced "\({3}\) squared". \({8}\) is a cube number. The ...
Over 1,200 kilograms of fruit and vegetables deemed unsuitable for supermarkets was given away Saturday and Sunday at an ...