Eco Art, Centro Municipal de Cultura Dr. Henrique Ordovás Filho, Caxias do Sul Joaillier des Arts, Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain, Paris Gravura Brasileira no acervo da Pinacoteca de São ...
Our art critic goes room-by-room through New York’s Gilded Age house museum, reopening after nearly five years. Don’t miss the new upstairs galleries. By Holland Cotter The darkly comic ...
The 'City of Caves', on an island in the Sea of Oman close to Mumbai, contains a collection of rock art linked to the cult of Shiva. Here, Indian art has found one of its most perfect expressions, ...
Don Sharples will be here to share information and answer questions about the Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program. Don Sharples, Associate Director of Admission at Elizabethtown ...
Hosted by the Department of German. Dr. Baijayanti Roy studied modern Indian and modern European history at the University of Calcutta in India. She received her PhD from the Goethe University, ...