It's commonly thought that sperm "race" to the egg, with the winner fertilizing it. But is this really the case?
Into the fray strode a master practitioner with a statement of his own: Giorgio Armani had a brand new bag. He called it, audaciously, La Prima. There had been purses before, but this was his first ...
Snake Catcher Dan had to use patience, a flashlight, and a hook to relocate the red-bellied black snake. Could you be sharing your sofa with a dangerous snake? A family in Australia found out the ...
The United States has reached out to Denmark and other European nations asking if they can export eggs as Americans face surging egg prices, the Nordic country's egg association said on Friday.
Egg prices continued to climb in February, despite some easing of inflation, according to the latest consumer price index released on Wednesday. Though grocery price gains have slowed after a ...
There may be some cracks forming in the egg market. For the past several months, consumers have been faced with a hard reality: Fewer eggs at higher prices. But in the first week of March ...
These days it's not the size of the chicken but the size of the chicken's egg that counts. Rob Griffin and his family were stunned recently when their chicken laid a massive egg more than three ...
Marie Hernandes finally found her eggs. A friend had asked for a vanilla birthday cake, so all week after work, she’d visited multiple stores — Ralphs, Target, Walmart — only to find the ...
The nation’s biggest egg producer has seen rising revenues and profits. Now some Democrats are calling for an investigation into pricing practices in the industry. By Danielle Kaye and Julie ...
We also believe that the hilitai (monitor lizards) and ayuyu (coconut crabs) have been enjoying snake eggs for snacks, which may be keeping the BTS population in check. This BTS Blitz will have ...