The early sit-in movement in St. Louis Believe it or not, St. Louis was home to sit-ins aimed at desegregation as early as 1944. The movement was spearheaded by Pearl Maddox, an African American ...
He would show photos of Bess behind the Woolworth counter, when teaching about the sit-in and Civil Rights Movement.
By 1961, Diane Nash had emerged as one of the most respected student leaders of the sit-in movement in Nashville, TN. Raised in middle-class Catholic family in Chicago, Nash attended Howard ...
Charles Bess was famously the worker in this photo during the famous sit-in movement by the A&T Four. “They didn’t sit because they were hungry... They wanted a change; they were hungry for a ...
The fat acceptance movement began in the 1960s; the first political event was a Central Park sit-in to protest size discrimination. The movement was formed to counter anti-fat discrimination as ...
ST. LOUIS — When you think of sit-in demonstrations to desegregate public spaces, your mind might immediately go to Greensboro, North Carolina, where students staged famous protests at the ...