The relationship between Shanks and Luffy has always been one of the most important driving forces behind the entirety of One Piece. Without Shanks giving Luffy his iconic Straw Hat, Luffy may ...
In his quest to meet Shanks, Luffy is preparing to free Loki, a criminal from the land of the giants. The latest twist, ...
Blackbeard vs Shanks is one of the most anticipated fights in One Piece, and it might happen sooner than we anticipated with Blackbeard winning off-screen.
This seems to be shifting in the latest arc. In particular, One Piece Chapter #1136 highlights how deeply Luffy longs to meet Shanks, even showing a willingness to step outside his usual character ...
King And Queen never fought Luffy during the Raid on Onigashima and faced Zoro and Sanji instead. Luffy and Eustass Kid never ...
As an annoyed Luffy emerged from the resulting rubble, Gaban jokingly called Shanks a cheapskate for letting ... lightning-fast quickness, moving to meet it head-on even if he was positioned ...
meaning that other crews might meet Luffy's crew over there. This could translate into a potential clash with the Blackbeard Pirates or an encounter between Luffy and Shanks, which has the ...
Luffy plans to keep his end of the deal since he desperately wants to meet Shanks. Even the Giants saying all manners of negative things about Loki isn’t enough to change Luffy’s mind.