Setsubun, the last day of winter on the lunar calendar, falls on Feb. 2 this year. Most years, it is marked on Feb. 3.
Wiccan / Pagan 2 Setsubun Setsubun is a traditional Japanese festival meaning "seasonal division", taking place the day before the start of spring according to the Japanese lunar calendar. Shinto 2 ...
Imagine a lively scene where people excitedly throw soybeans at a demon while chanting, “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi!” (鬼は外、福は内), meaning “Out with the demons, in with good ...
Children throw beans during a ceremony to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck at the annual Setsubun Festival at the Sensoji temple in Tokyo. Photo: Behrouz MEHRI / AFP (modified by author) ...
It’s an international truth that parenting is hard, and language reflects that. So while moms and dads in English-speaking ...
Minnesota has been blessed with numerous sunny days where despite the ongoing semi-low temperatures, everyone is out enjoying the fresh air and not dreading any of the freezing ...