Ramit Sethi has been teaching people how to get rich for nearly two decades. Follow these rules to build your wealth.
Over the course of eight years, I went from being $300,000 in debt to making my first million. As I took more ownership of my finances, I realized that I felt broke a lot of the time, in large ...
Money may not be an emotion, but it sure brings up a lot of them. Haylie Johnson put out a TikTok video last year of her having this epiphany. The Oklahoma-based real estate agent shared at the ...
Like the changing tide, our self-esteem can ebb and flow with the level of our income. Are there times when your self-esteem inflates because your wallet is full but at other times deflates ...
“What is your net worth?” (not to be confused with “your self-worth”) is a real question that many women can’t easily answer. This simple question and resulting hesitancy may reveal that ...
When it comes to your self-worth, only one opinion truly matters—your own. And even that one should be carefully evaluated; we tend to be our own harshest critics. Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D ...