To which I can only reply: no, I wish to opt out because first of all, it’s called Mothering Sunday and second of all, if ...
More than two-thirds of parents in Northern Ireland want their children to be educated alongside those from the other ...
Every night, at the same time, a man would make his way up the spiral staircase, check it was 8.15pm, and ring the bell. The sound of the bell ...
The global acclaim for Peter Beinart’s new book, Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza, rests mainly on its call for a ...
While many people in the world are anticipating a bright economical future of Europe, the Vatican is worried about the secularisation that is sweeping across the continent. One of the very obvious ...
To quote a prominent atheist American Philosopher Quentin Smith writing in the secular journal Philo in 2001: "The secularisation of mainstream academia began to quickly unravel upon the publication ...
In this extension of state control, as well as in the targeted destruction of the Church and religious practice, the Revolution represents a key development in the secularisation that would stretch ...
Social critic Solomon Buchi stirred debate stating that gospel music ministry isn't biblical. He claims the Bible ...
Looking for love in The Soldier’s Reward: Love and War in the Age of the French Revolution and Napoleon by Jennifer Ngaire ...