"Duck Dynasty" star Silas "Uncle Si" Robertson is recovering after a fall during a hunting trip. Robertson, 76, who is set to appear in the reboot of the hit A&E show, landed in the hospital after ...
"Duck Dynasty" star Silas "Uncle Si" Robertson recently spent three days in the hospital after a hunting accident. On his "Duck Call Room" podcast, co-hosts Justin Martin and Phillip McMillan ...
Silas “Uncle Si” Robertson is on the mend following an accident during a recent hunting trip. The “Duck Dynasty” star sparked concern when he didn’t appear on his podcast, “Duck Call ...
One of the Trump administration's executive orders mandates maximum energy and resource development on Alaska's public lands.
Duck Dynasty’s Uncle Si Robertson was hospitalized recently after a hunting accident. Friends and family admit they were scared to the point of saying prayers as Si was rushed to the emergency room.
US congressional Representative Tim Burchett said in an interview Wednesday that an admiral -- whom he did not identify -- had told him of an alien craft moving at incredible speeds in the sea.