John is the Chief Editor and Founder of While at first a part-time project, Bubbleblabber quickly grew ...
The gobsmacking success of Chinese animated feature “Ne Zha 2,” which recently topped $2 billion in China to become the first ever to break that record in a single market, has got toon-makers ...
Disney and Pixar have long been known for their innovations in the realm of animated movies, and their success speaks for itself. Over the years, each has made incredible films. Though not ...
Warner Bros. appears to continue its landmark campaign for Worst Mega Corporation of 2025, following moves like shutting down Shadow of Mordor developer Monolith Productions and killing its deal with ...
The Heroic Legend of Arslan Anime's 90-Second Promo Streamed (Mar 21, 2015) The Heroic Legend of Arslan TV Anime's 7th Ad, UVERworld Song, More Cast Revealed (Mar 15, 2015) 6th The Heroic Legend ...
Unleash your creativity with Pixelorama, a powerful and accessible open-source pixel art multitool. Whether you want to create sprites, tiles, animations, or just express yourself in the language of ...
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