What is Reframing? Reframing is essentially changing the way you view certain events, situations, or emotions to alter their meaning in your lif ...
The Nickel Boys dramatises the real-life history of a segregated reform school in the segregated Jim Crow South: a front for ...
What would change in your organization if every decision started with "why"? Recently, facing a 60-pound sandbag carry up a steep mountain slope in my first Spartan Race, I asked myself, "Why did I ...
Growing up seeing magazines promising to help her "get abs quick" put Leah Wei off working out. Now she views exercise as an ...
A new approach that reframes mental health struggles not as defects but as understandable responses to stress and trauma ...
By thinking of the flow of anger, you can unpack its key dimensions: its path and intensity. Is the stream pointed ...
By Dennis Sale Those of us who have been around education for a few decades or so may remember the traditional educational approach, often referred to as the “three R’s” – which focused on reading, ...
Organisations try to improve diversity and inclusion with DEI and EDI initiatives, but new analysis challenges the value of ...
She shared three ways she makes working out a joy. 1) Reframing 'exercise' as 'movement' Wei likes to think about exercise as an opportunity to move her body, get away from her laptop, and have fun.
Cinema has long been shaped by the male gaze, a term popularised by Laura Mulvey in her seminal essay “Visual Pleasure and ...
What does war look like from the inside? Ask Congo’s young slam poets.
Rumination and overthinking can make it difficult for you to set career goals and work towards it. Here's how to deal with it ...