“A mama bear known as ‘Brett’ gave her cubs a ride across the river in Alaska’s iconic Katmai National Park and Preserve.
The North Carolina Wildlife Commission urges the public to contact them if they suspect a bear cub is orphaned.
A grizzly old time is being had at the Ohio zoo as staff tend to a newborn sloth bear and drum up help for what to name her.
Wildlife cameras captured images of black bear cubs in a North Bay park. It's the first time cubs were seen on the cameras, park officials said. The video offered evidence that bears are living ...
Remote cameras were deployed in the Arctic mountains across nearly a decade; Valuable footage of moms and cubs emerging from ...
“A mother bear waits as her two cubs cross the road to join her on the other side. Black bear cubs stay close to their mother ...
Den checks help the state gather information on Michigan's black bear population, which totals around 12,000, mostly in the ...
The DNR gave everyone a peek inside that process this week when it posted an update into its den-check program on its social media page. It also included pictures of some tiny and incredibly cute cubs ...
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries welcomes three black bear cubs into the world after conservation efforts. See the cubs here.
Past research has shown that how long polar bear mothers remain at their dens impacts cubs’ odds of survival ... researchers ...
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife responded to a report that a momma bear had apparently been hit by a car and was found with its cub lying in an apartment parking lot in Truckee.
Their eyes glinted in the darkness as they lumbered through the rugged terrain of Hood Mountain Regional Park: a mother black bear with her two cubs trailing closely behind. Trail camera footage ...