Red Pitaya, which does software-defined instrumentation, unveiled next-generation hardware akin to the "Raspberry Pi of measurement" gear.
At the heart of the kit is the aforementioned PiEEG HAT, the same HAT that we saw back in 2023. But this time the PiEEG is ...
OrangePi RV2 uses RISC-V CPU architecture, an alternative to x86 and ARM. RV2 offers 8-core Ky X1 RISC-V AI CPU, with 2TOPS ...
The Civitas Universe has put together a cool Raspberry Pi cyberdeck that scans brains and features a cool cyberpunk theme in ...
Instacart examines deep cuts of its data to determine which pies win Americans' hearts and stomachs, uncovering surprising ...
While there already several ways to connect to your Raspberry Pi, the official Connect tool is potentially easier.
Raspberry Pi PCIe x1 adapters from Waveshare, 52Pi, and Spotpear let the Raspberry Pi 5 takes standard PCIe x1 to x16 ...
Gonzo journalism has been a hip thing since the 1970s or so, a way of covering a story in a compelling format with more ...
With the development board from the Raspberry Pi Pico Experimenting Kit from Makerfabs, which is offered by Elektor in a ...
NComputing RX540 is a thin client powered by the Raspberry Pi CM5 that works with Citrix, Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop ...
Not every app or service wants to monetize your personal data. Here are some of our favorite alternatives to popular apps.
"Everything you do in life should have an element of fun," he said, later explaining how he'd recently started to use a Raspberry Pi Zero to make mischief with aircraft passengers hunting for Wi-Fi.