T Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) has officially signed a gas sales agreement (PJBG) with Pertamina for the 2022-2028 contract period. This agreement ensures a stable gas supply as the ...
PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) meningkatkan kolaborasi bersama Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Republik Indonesia dalam rangka mendukung swasembada pangan nasional. Selain itu, hal ini dilakukan ...
Ilustrasi - pekerja menata pupuk di gudang penyimpanan pupuk PT Pupuk Kujang. ANTARA/HO-Pupuk Kujang/aa. Akar dari problem yang berkaitan dengan barang subsidi ini umumnya berkaitan dengan data, yakni ...
DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng is said to be at odds with organising secretary Steven Sim, while party secretary-general Loke Siew Fook has been touted as its ‘poster boy’ for GE16. The apparent ...
As campaigning for the DAP elections next month intensifies, a group of veteran members is alleging the existence of a “deep state” within the leadership, aimed at undermining the influence of ...
Three DAP Youth divisions have urged the party to take disciplinary action against party chairperson Lim Guan Eng’s special assistant Tan Khong Chong after an altercation at a Penang DAP dinner ...
It was here on March 6, 2008, that 30,000 people – a huge number in local politics – attended an election rally by the then opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) which sparked widespread ...
“I urge everyone to remain calm and keep cool heads.” – DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke on Najib Abdul Razak’s pardon COMMENT | To be clear, I have no interest in the internal ...
GEORGE TOWN: A close aide of a top DAP leader has berated Penang DAP chairman Steven Sim at the end of an appreciation dinner in honour of party veteran Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang. In a video which has ...
THE dinner to honour Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang for his services to the party and to mark his 84th birthday on Thursday (Feb 13) went off smoothly. The birthday boy was his usual stoic self but he ...
Pemerintah resmi membentuk kelompok kerja (pokja) yang berfungsi sebagai pengawas penyaluran pupuk subsidi. Diharapkan, distribusi komoditas pertanian itu nantinya bisa tepat waktu dan tepat sasaran. ...