A: I admit it can be confusing, but there is a significant difference between topping a tree and pruning to control size.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will be holding a hands-on workshop to teach proper pruning techniques for fruit ...
Don't make the mistake of buying a tree and forgetting to tend to it if you want the best fruit harvest. Here's the best ...
Depending on the size and variety of the pear tree, expect it to bear fruit between three to seven years of age. “You can ...
Keep your fig tree healthy and happy by following our guidelines for pruning and maximizing your tree's potential to produce ...
Grapes are grown for many reasons: ornamental, shade arbors, fruit and wine. All of them share one thing in common: grape ...
Participants will be trained on safety considerations when pruning home or commercial orchards and will have the opportunity for hands-on practice.
The cherries were a wonderful surprise in the first year, but the tree has not been particularly bountiful since ...
The Bradford pear (Pyrus callerana "Bradford") was originally developed as a way to help control fire blight in pear trees.
This species is Suregada multiflora, sometimes known as the False Lime Tree due to the appearance of its unripe fruit. These ...
People interested in growing their own fruit will have the chance to learn from experts at an upcoming workshop in Watkins ...
Stone Temple Baptist Church was counting on the funds to plant trees in its community garden, which provides healthy options ...